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Get to Know the MonRiverGames Crew

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

This team is filled with very bright and creative individuals with similar dreams in gaming design. Each student has played great roles in programming/coding, asset creation, etc. Take the time to what each individual is taking from being part of this studio/class and what they plan to do with it in the future.

Caleb Miller

Caleb enjoys video games and decided to learn more about how they are processed, so he is taking advantage of this class to get the experience of how the process is. The studio is a stepping stone for him because it teaches him more skillsets for when he chooses his working field. Since taking the class he has improved his knowledge of programming/coding and the information about how it works.

Tessla Muir

Tessla is majoring in computer science with an interest in video games to understand the creation process. She is very interested in the creative and technical aspects of gameplay programming/design. While taking the class she has been able to put together the information she gathered from computer science and use it for unity while also learning how to do asset creation.

Zach Hubbard

Has been part of MonRiverGames since the summer and has been interested in game development. His interest in computer science and video games brought him to be a part of this crew and experience collaborating with others in the studio. He has improved his knowledge of programming skills with unity and the game development process.

Maddy Roy

Maddy wanted to continue working with the MonRiverGames studio to practice working on her asset creation. She loves to be given tasks to give her that extra motivation to complete them. She is trying a new thing in UI Design and has been making major improvements in her skill.

Tory Webb-Johnson

Tory is majoring in Interactive Design for Media with an interest in video games and asset creation. She wants to look for a career in gaming design so she can have experience working in a studio and improve her portfolio. She has been able to gain a lot more knowledge from game development after previously having none before working with the studio

David Wolfe

David has been a long-time member of MonRiverGames and decided to continue being a part of the team just because he enjoys making games. He enjoys the experience and has increased his skills in programming and coding.

Nick Kowalski

Nick has been developing games for seven years and is always excited to learn more about how it works. He wanted to be part of the studio because he wanted to collaborate with others and work with a team. He has been improving with his collaboration and working out design differences with different development programs.

Kayla Stein

Kayla wanted to get experience in developing games which drove her to join the MonRiverGames studio. She wants to show a diverse portfolio and that she has a wider skillset in gaming design. She also feels like she has mainly improved on her C sharp development since being a part of this team.

Jackson Sigler

Jackson will be graduating in December and he wants to use the teamwork he gained from the class to be used in his working life. He has felt like he has been better at being on top of his assignments.

Emma Chase

Emma graduates in December, but she enjoys the class because of a similarity to what she took before this one. This class gives her a chance to experience working with other people on a larger scale without having to work with a group before. She has been having fun learning to do so while improving on her task such as reading codes and figuring out the errors.

Malachi Ruffin

Malachi is graduating in December but wanted to take the class because of his interest in video games and how it was created. He wants to use the class to get experience in gaming design to understand the process of developing them. His biggest improvement since starting this class is asset creation.

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