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The Mask

Game Story

  In The Mask, you play as the character Cole, a twenty-something young man that starts the game attending a yard sale. When browsing the products for sale, you find a box labeled “free” and decide to take it home with you. Later while going through the box, you find a strange looking mask sitting in the bottom of the box. Once wearing it, you discover that when the mask is worn you are granted strange powers; meanwhile, a gang of criminals start terrorizing the town and you decide that you can do something about it. After strange reports start coming in of a mysterious figure killing multiple people at random times and places, is everything as it seems?

Gameplay Trailer

Team Members

Madison Brotosky (Production Lead/Writer)

Madison Brotosky is a senior Interactive Design for Media student at West Virginia University. Her hometown is Fairmont, West Virginia, but she currently resides in Morgantown. One of the biggest pillars in her life is her faith in God, which she credits for her accomplishments and motivations. In her free time, she loves reading books, playing video games, baking, and singing. She hopes to incorporate her interests in her future work.


Joey Vedda (Technical Specialist) 


Joey Vedda is a senior Interactive Design for Media student at West Virginia University. He is from Cleveland, Ohio and currently lives in Morgantown, West Virginia. He specializes in programming, user experience, and design.

Jenna Piatt (Marketing)

Jenna Piatt is a Senior Graphic Design student with an Interactive Design for Media minor at West Virginia University. She is originally from Belmont, Ohio and currently resides in Morgantown, West Virginia. Her dream job is being a graphic artist/designer for video games.


Alyssa Shanholtz (Art Asset Designer)

Alyssa Shanholtz is a Senior Electronic Media student with a minor in Interactive Design for Media. Her hometown is Clarksburg, West Virginia and wants to do design/art in gaming with her career, specifically character design. She enjoys drawing, video games, playing music, and spending time with her friends.

Goldie McClure (Level Play Designer)

Goldie McClure is a Junior Undergraduate Interactive Design for Media student at West Virginia University. She was born in West Virginia and has lived there her whole life. She plans to pursue work related to digital photography on the side while she works toward a career in game development and design.


Design Sheet
Design Sheet Latest Version.png


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